Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Hello sophomore year!

I'm just so filled with all kinds of joy and happiness right now, I'm having some difficulty collecting my thoughts. Let me try:

This year is unfolding perfectly. I just got back from Overflow and let me just say that Port City Community Church in Wilmington, North Carolina is the best thing that has happened to me since I've started my college journey. This Sunday, our pastor (Mike Ashcraft) started a series called "This is My Church" and those four words hit the nail right on the head. I love going to church. It's rarely a chore and it's almost always what I want and prefer to do. That's a gift if I've ever received one. And with having dreams of someday going into ministry, working at Port City seems a whole lot like a dream come true. But that's not my choice to make :)

My roommates are so, so wonderful. I truly love them to pieces. There is no way, however, that I can reasonably expect to leave this year without having at least a slight southern accent. Ya'll are souuuutherrrrrrn and I love it. Thank you for always including me and introducing me to new people. It's the greatest. I love living in an apartment and having my own car here is awesome, praise the Lord for that!

My parents are outstanding to say the absolute least. Mom always goes all out on decorating and my room is amazing. I'm obsessed with it. It is beautiful and perfect and it is all thanks to her. Saying goodbye to them breaks my heart but then I get to think about how blessed I am that I love them enough to experience pain in the goodbyes! If it was an easy "see ya later", then I think we would have an issue. But I love them so, so much and I know that they love me and that's a really great feeling. Thank you for everything mom and dad, you're always at the top of my list.

Classes and my new nannying job start tomorrow and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. But I'm excited. I'm getting more into the major that I love (Communication Studies) and (as opposed to last year) I will have an income! Getting that job was so stress-free and easy, I'm a little worried it's too good to be true!

Real talk though: I'm nervous about making friends. How lame does that sound?? Embarrassing. I feel like I'm behind too since I'm a sophomore. I've signed up for a small group through PC3 and I plan to do SAO (the Christian sorority). I'm blessed with a few friends who love Jesus passionately, but I want and need a close circle of friends who are just completely captivated by Jesus so that we can have a God-centered friendship. I need accountability and encouragement to be the best that I can be. And I want to be able to give the same things I need! While I'm a little nervous about it, my time here these past couple days has really put me at ease because I know I serve a God who is sovereign over everything and I have nothing to fear. Hasta la vista anxiety, don't let the door hit you on your way out!

I'm striving to embody the Proverbs 31 woman more and more and my goal this year is to face every tomorrow with a smile and without fear. Praising God at this high point in my life and trusting His omniscient and compassionate guidance.

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