Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The University of North Carolina Wilmington

Finding the time to blog this summer has proven to be much more difficult than I anticipated. With that being said, this will most likely be my last post of the summer and I'm going to keep it pretty brief.

I leave for the beautiful UNCW in t-minus 11 days. It's a strange mix of emotions. On one hand, I am elated and counting down the hours until I can walk out that door and begin the quasi-painful yet liberating process of ridding of my childhood. On the other hand, obviously, I am terrified. I'm terrified that I won't make friends, I'm terrified of what is going to happen to my boyfriend and me, I'm terrified of the schoolwork, and I'm terrified of growing up. On this hand I'm miles away from ready and on the afore mentioned hand, I've been ready for years.

"Do your best, prepare for the worst--
Then trust God to bring victory."
Proverbs 21:31

13 words that beautifully marry realism and optimism. I go from extreme to extreme as the days rapidly slip through my fingers, but in my heart I am in perfect peace.